Images are absolutely vital for any eCommerce marketing campaign. It's a proven fact. That's why you need to be able to supply great and attractive visuals for the various types of content that you create. Of course, you can do images from scratch or hire a professional designer, but there are tons of ways to go around these options. This in turn will allow you to save time and money, which is crucial if you're just starting up.
Here's a collection of image galleries, where you can get 100% royalty free high quality images for free. You can then use services like Canva to make necessary changes to them. Or post them unaltered, because these image banks offer some really great graphics. Not to mention that using these images keeps you safe from any copyright claims with their C.C 0 licensing.
Great place for people, who are in need of various images - a gallery dedicated to a wide selection of image niches that can get any of your graphics requirements covered. The quality is very good (the average image size is around 1900x1400 pixels) and all you need is a free account with them to download. I highly suggest donating to them from time to time, in order to support their operations (this also goes for other galleries in this list).
It's a nature-themed gallery with a wide selection of images that are great for specific business niches like travelling, outdoors gear, agricultural suppliers and others. We've used some of these for our website anyway - the images that they display are gorgeous.

offensive_wallpapers would have a field day with this one
This gallery is similar to the previous one. The difference is that it offers more abstract images that look more artistic, while Unsplash focuses on the nature depicted. Also has some pretty neat urban photos.
A small collection of images, mostly taken from up high. If you follow Scott Kelly, who recently returned from the ISS, you know what kind of images we're talking about.
The name of the website says it all: if you're looking for pictures, depicting startup companies, their everyday lives or simple business routines - this website is right for you. Tons of great high res business images.
I'll just draw more graphs to confuse the investors
Similar to Pixabay, this image bank covers a variety of image styles and niches that should work for almost any type of online business. Although their collection is smaller, it certainly makes up with the uniqueness of the photos that they host.
Very similar to Pixabay - huge selection of images from various niches, but it also has a selection of vertical images (higher, as opposed to the usual image format that is wider). Great for Pinterest and Instagram marketing.
The name suggests the most represented niche in this gallery - it focuses on architecture and cities. The majority of images seem less professional than in some of the other galleries, but they still look great.
What's your go-to place for images? Do you prefer galleries like these or simply go for other sources of publicly available photos that have to be credited?
About the author:
Written by Alex Plotnikov - marketing manager at, a unique Magento PaaS, which allows you to easily deploy and manage Magento stores automatically, within a single environment and without programming skills. Alex enjoys learning more about the intricacies of running eCommerce stores.